Pre-K District-Wide Information Session @ Drane (Click for more info.)


Pre-Kinder District Wide Info Session (ages 4+ as of Sept. 1, 2017)

Mon., April 10 - 5:30pm at Drane Campus (Early Childhood and GT Center in Fall 2017)


Early Childhood and GT Center at Drane Campus

Corsicana ISD will offer a blended early education setting at the Drane campus, this Fall 2017, which will serve several types of early education programs in an inclusive environment.  CISD also partners with Head Start to provide childcare and early childhood education, for those who qualify.  Currently, these programs are offered at several campuses across the district.

o   State-mandated Pre-k Program

o   Dual Language Pre-Kindergarten (Tuition Based)

o   Preschool for Children with Disabilities       

o   Head Start – Government assistance program to help with child care